Here’s a quick preview of the Flagstaff home sales report to be published here later this week
September is typically a pretty strong month for Flagstaff home sales, usually bringing out newly interested buyers at a rate as strong or stronger than in August. Not so this year. It could be that this reflects a the fact that we had a small bubble of buyers earlier in the year who were anticipating higher interest rates and wanting to get into the market before those rates hit. It could be that this reflects the general national mood of consumer confidence, which was down in September. One month does not make a trend.
Single family home sales in Flagstaff in September were down from 94 in August to 76 in September, which is not unusual. The median Flagstaff home sale price dropped from $322,500 to $305,000, typically, such a drop is unusual; however, median prices can vary widely from month to month and what’s important is a stretch of months going in one direction.
More on this numbers in a detailed report later in the week. Meanwhile, check out theinventory of homes for sale in Flagstaff.
Note: The data reported here are based on home sales in the Flagstaff metro area (the City of Flagstaff and immediately surrounding county areas that have Flagstaff mailing addresses) as reported in the multiple-listing-service maintained by the Northern Arizona Association of Realtors.® The data may not reflect all sales (but it surely reflects most of them).