Monthly Flagstaff Home Sales Report

The median price for Flagstaff single-family-home sales held steady in October, rising to $306,000 – just $1000 higher than September.

Volume was also steady; at 69 homes sales that’s down slightly from September, but 5 units higher than one-year ago in October. Inventory remains tight so it’s a definite seller’s market in the lower price ranges.

Steady as she goes in Flagstaff home sales for October

Flagstaff’s townhome median price in October was $316,000, with 12 units sold. It’s also a seller’s market for Flagstaff townhomes, but less dramatically so than in the lower-price ranges on Flagstaff single-family homes.

To search the Flagstaff MLS, click here!

Detailed descriptions of Flagstaff neighborhoods and MLS areas: Guide to the Flagstaff MLS.

Consult with local Flagstaff mortgage lenders.

To buy or sell any Flagstaff home, please contact us: Flagstaff Elite Team at RE/MAX Peak Properties.

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Note: The data reported here are based on home sales in the Flagstaff metro area (the City of Flagstaff and immediately surrounding county areas that have Flagstaff mailing addresses) as reported in the multiple-listing-service maintained by the Northern Arizona Association of Realtors.® The data may not reflect all sales (but it surely reflects most of them).

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Flagstaff, AZ 86001
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