Monsoon not done yet
Newly-established creek front property in Flagstaff
Flagstaff summers are usually gentle things with a little excitement thrown in on some days by early afternoon thunderstorms. Those storms typically clear by late afternoon to create beautiful sunsets. Not this year!
In July, Flagstaff had as much rain as it usually does in an entire 3-month monsoon season (July-September 15) and the overcast days have abounded. The rain kept coming in August and now into September with just a few days break here and there.
We’ve had flooding in places we’ve not seen flooding in decades. In the 18 years I’ve lived in Flagstaff, I’ve seen about 18 mosquitos, and 16 of them have been this year.
All of this creates some new real estate issues, just to keep my professional life interesting. But, right about now I’d just like to see some sunshine…. Hmmm, here comes a little.
Report on most recent happenings in Flagstaff weather from our local Flagstaff paper.