Flagstaff sales statistics for 2005-2017

We strive to be the most knowledgeable agents in the Flagstaff real estate market.  It is important to us so that we can pass on this knowledge and help our clients make the best decision for them.  We have recently compiled the sales statistics for the last 12 years.  2005 was when the housing market was previously at a high; we then saw the housing crash and over the last 8 years we have seen steady growth.  In 2017 our statistics show that we are close to the 2005 numbers.

The four graphs below will show you the sales data from 2005 to 2017 for Flagstaff and the surrounding areas.  You will see the data from number of sales, average sales price, median sales price and average price per square foot.  These are all the different numbers we use with clients when advising them while listing their homes or making an offer on a home.



You will see that we ended 2017 with 961 homes sales.  This is 38 more homes than were closed the previous year.  The average sales price and median sales price is also up from last year. We anticipate seeing continued growth in 2018.

Please keep an eye out for our Elite Team Quarterly Newsletter which we will have out in a couple of weeks.  In this edition we will give our predictions on the 2018 market based on presentations we have seen with renown economists, sales statistics for the quarter and the year, and much more.

If you have questions about any of this data or want to talk about your real estate needs please don’t hesitate to call us at (928) 714-0001, or email us at [email protected].  And remember, you can always search the Flagstaff housing market, or request a Marketing Plan by clicking here. As three full-time agents, Jessica, Eric and Sara, are your best bet for 2018!

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5 W Cherry Ave
Flagstaff, AZ 86001
(928) 714-0001
[email protected]

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