by Kelly | Sep 3, 2019 | biking, Flagstaff, Flagstaff Features, Living in Flagstaff, Outdoor Activities
Flagstaff, Arizona has great riding for beginners and pros alike. Flagstaff, Arizona is easily one of the best mountain biking towns in the country. Tucked into the largest contiguous ponderosa pine forest on the planet and set below the monumental San Francisco... by Tad Moore | Jul 15, 2019 | Buyer Tips, Flagstaff Features, Home Buyer Advice, Home Maintenance, Home Seller Advice
With every passing year, more and more homeowners are becoming conscientious of how their home and habits use or abuse energy. Whether wanting to reduce their carbon footprint to help fight climate change, or simply making their home more energy-efficient to reduce... by Best Flagstaff Homes Realty | Feb 11, 2015 | Flagstaff Features, Flagstaff Weekend Events, Living in Flagstaff
Love, and unusually mild winter temperatures, are in the air in Flagstaff for this Valentine’s Day weekend. There’s plenty to do with your special someone or the entire family. This weekend, Friday and Saturday, NAU’s School of Music sponsors its annual Jazz Madrigal... by Best Flagstaff Homes Realty | Jul 2, 2014 | Flagstaff Features, Flagstaff Weekend Events, Living in Flagstaff
Get downtown early to claim a spot at the curb! The 18th Annual 4th of July Parade steps off on Friday morning at 9:00 a.m. With over 100 entries including floats, marching bands, civic groups, clubs, classic cars and fire trucks, the parade has become a hallmark... by Best Flagstaff Homes Realty | Mar 25, 2014 | Flagstaff Features, Living in Flagstaff
Flagstaff is home to Northern Arizona Healthcare (NAH), the largest healthcare organization in Northern and Central Arizona. Healthcare is an important sector of desirable and well-paying jobs in Flagstaff. Flagstaff Medical Center (FMC), near downtown Flagstaff, is... by Best Flagstaff Homes Realty | Mar 13, 2014 | Flagstaff Features, Living in Flagstaff
Next week, the Museum of Northern Arizona hosts its Discovery Spring Break Artist-Led Camps – Art on the Colorado Plateau. Children can make the most of Spring Break from school by spending a day or two, or the entire week exploring nature and culture through art....